Trump vs Biden and major changes in American foreign policy and econmy

 Biden is set to be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, and the world is waiting for a resurgence of stability and purpose in US foreign policy, which has been undermined by his predecessor, Donald Trump.

But the reality is that US foreign policy went astray even before Trump arrived. Washington's dream of making the United States a world leader has resulted in endless wars and militancy in US foreign policy. This has led to increased resentment and complaints inside and outside the country. Trump took the opportunity to raise this issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.

Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy
Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy.

Trump specifically targeted relations with China, globalization, and the growing influence of a global elite that put its business and personal interests ahead of the interests of the United States, and especially the American working class.

But instead of correcting foreign policy, they further damaged it and undermined that policy and its public support. Trump has lost the election, but his ideas will live on. They will continue to cause dissatisfaction and further destruction of an already dysfunctional system.

Many things need to change. Biden must fight a rebellious Trump as well as work to improve a divided country and a coronated economy. At the same time, they are facing a progressive faction within their own party that is demanding change in internal affairs. That's why Biden's priority will be domestic politics.

Foreign policy must also meet domestic needs first, and stabilize the country, especially by protecting American jobs and businesses. Geopolitics of military, economic, technical and ideological competition with China is also unlikely. On the contrary, Biden will try to take the United States further in the field of technology instead of degrading China in order to maintain American sovereignty.issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.

Similarly, the geopolitical economy needs to change to take care of the interests of working and middle-income Americans rather than the global elite, and ultimately, to balance politics and the economy because the United States only competes with China. Not only that, but we also have to work with China to improve the economy.

Partnerships with China are also needed to address global issues such as epidemics and climate change. Climate change is a major issue for the Democrats. Biden has already said that his government will "invest 400 400 billion over 10 years in clean energy and innovation centers, creating 10 million well-paid average-level union jobs."

As far as other aspects of foreign policy are concerned, US relations with Western Europe and Japan will be restored and strong US relations with Israel, India and the Gulf states will continue. However, Biden will take a hard line with Russia because Russia is both a foreign policy challenge and a domestic issue for the United States.

Since Biden will not have much support in Congress, local politics will be an obstacle to his other agendas. That is why Iran may not be in a hurry to rejoin the nuclear deal.

If we talk about US relations with Pakistan, things may not look the same. The Biden administration will not be a continuation of the Obama administration, remember that Pakistan does not have very good memories of the Obama administration. Pak-US relations will not depend on the past 19 years because so much has changed. The US war is now becoming history and differences of opinion and policy between the US and Pakistan on Afghanistan have diminished.

But there are still gaps between the Afghan government and the Taliban that cannot be bridged by negotiations alone. Therefore, this conflict will continue under a new name and the United States will have to resolve this dispute in a way other than war, and Pakistan's help will be very important there.

Afghanistan is also concerned with the issue of terrorism. If the conflict is not resolved, it will promote international terrorist networks, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, especially in the Pak-Afghan border region.

Gaining strength for the Taliban will also increase militancy and extremism in Pakistan. This is a threat that threatens not only Pakistan but also India. It will also affect US policy towards China. In this way, Pakistan's need for the United States will go further than the issue of Afghanistan. At the moment, US security and its interests in South Asia are at stake.

It is highly unlikely that the US Indo-Pacific strategy will target China as well as Pakistan and put US and Indian pressure on Pakistan. Because in this way Pakistan will be closer to China and will work for Chinese interests. But if Pakistan wants to have friendly relations with the United States, it must respond positively to the common interests of both countries.

As in the past, aid is unlikely to return, as it is the cause of the Cold War and the war on terror.And now both of these situations do not exist. But it is possible that relations between the two countries will return to normal in which Pakistan is not an ally of the United States but is not separate from it. If we look at the alternative, this kind of relationship will be better.issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.

What Biden's presidency will look like for Pak-US relations depends on a number of factors.

The most important of the unknown factors will be the new foreign policy emerging from Trump's ruined foreign policy. Pakistan's biggest concern will be US policy towards China.

In order to understand the possibilities of policy towards China, we must first set aside the idea of ​​an ancient Greek historian that when a new power rises, the first power attacks it. The parables of history are usually based on half the truth and we are often looking at the other half.

The fact is that the US-China relationship is very complex and multifaceted. The two countries are political and geographical rivals, and China has now become part of US domestic politics.

In the United States, China is considered a threat to its technological superiority and responsible for the elimination of working class jobs. Nevertheless, the economies of the two countries are interdependent and their partnership is important for resolving global issues.

Here, geopolitics, politics and economic nationalism competed with geopolitics and global supremacy. Trump considered it appropriate to present China only as a political opponent, but this view must change now. Those who are concerned that the US will ask us, Pakistan, to choose between it and China, should think more deeply.

Joe Biden will see China as a rival rather than an enemy, which will be fought by a different path than a two-way street. In a recent interview with US TV, he said he did not see China as a threat. But Biden will take a hard line on Russia.

Biden, who has traditional foreign policy views, cannot have strained relations with Russia and China. Due to the deteriorating economic situation after Corona, they need a good economic partnership with China. This is largely due to the fact that China is and will continue to be a major player in global growth. Biden's focus will be on the domestic situation, which will determine the course of his foreign policy.

Asking Pakistan to choose between the United States or China will bring it closer to China. The United States has never made such a choice to its closest allies. Both the United States and China want to strengthen their grip on the Middle East and Asia, and Pakistan is a country where the two countries come face to face.

Pakistan cannot be completely dependent on China, and the fact is that US-India relations do not in any way explain Pak-US relations or the challenges facing the US in the region. The United States may want to see Pakistan as a weak ally of China, but it also wants to see Pakistan as strong as it is in the interests of the United States.issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.

It would be appropriate to refer here to the history of Pak-US relations. Historically, one of the two outcomes of this relationship has been. Either the United States has given a reward to Pakistan for agreeing on an issue or it has punished it for not agreeing on an issue, and all this has happened when the responsibility has been taken away from Pakistan. But after 9/11, the flaws in the relationship became clear.

Due to the multiplicity of problems, long working together and the fact that it is not possible to get rid of consensus and disagreement, neither rewards nor punishments could be delayed. The relationship was one of partnership and contradiction at the same time. Because Pakistan was both a facilitator of US interests and a gap between them, and then the wreckage of the failure of US policies in Afghanistan was laid on Pakistan.

But now that dark time will not return, nor will that old model of relationship be repeated. Given the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the ongoing internal affairs in India, India's clashes with China, its aggressive attitude towards Pakistan and other global changes, it can be said that new realities have now emerged.issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.

The United States will definitely need Pakistan's help in Afghanistan. The United States is also concerned about the security of Pakistan's nuclear assets and would like Pakistan to take tougher action against extremists.

He is also interested in Kashmir issue but will not do anything to solve it. The United States has nothing to do with this issue, but it is concerned about the crisis that will ensue. Biden may also raise concerns about human rights.

Biden was the original creator of the Kerry-Lugar Bill. He knows that working with Pakistan on these issues requires a partnership framework that protects the interests of both countries so that long-term relations can be maintained.issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.

Gone are the days of building relationships through aid. However, given Pakistan's economy, there is a possibility of economic partnership. The future of bilateral relations depends as much on the United States as it does on Pakistan.

issue.Trump vs Biden and major changes American foreign policy and econmy,Biden and Afghanistan,,America  foreign policy for South Asia India,Pak, Afghanistan.


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