The year 2020 is also coming to an end. Compared to the previous many years, this year has also been very active in terms of scientific research. Scientists in researching and developing a vaccine on the global epidemic "Corona virus". Keep busy.
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Corona virus, Quarantine, medical research and world past and future. |
In addition, many great discoveries have been made in the fields of astronomy, ecology, metaphysics and medicine. A rock resembling Mars has been discovered in the earth's crust. And what more can be done in the world of science in 2020? It will be good after reading. ”
Wherever you are. You will see the world around you full of scientific inventions. Have a pen in your hand or pocket or goggles on your nose, your clothes or a face mask in the current situation, the computer screen on which you are reading this article or the ink from the newspaper Has been printed. All of them are directly or indirectly related to modern scientific inventions.
Unlike the popular idea or many science fiction movies, scientific inventions are the result of a very patient, difficult and often failed research. Every scientist wants to inform the world about the scientific reasoning, experiments, observations and evidences behind his research, if his research reaches any conclusion, big or small, which is the subject of articles in specific scientific journals. When scientists send their research to be published in a scientific journal, the editor of the first journal determines its importance.
Viruses, quarantine and medical research
If the research is found to be in line with the journal's criteria, the editor sends it to two or three other scientists involved in the research for critical review. If there are any shortcomings or errors in the results of the research paper and the evidence and reasoning presented in it, the scientist is asked to remove it and the paper is published only after they are removed. If the article identifies a possible weakness or lack of scientific reasoning or evidence, then the article is rejected outright.
Therefore, any scientific research is published in scientific journals only after passing strict accountability. Due to this rigorous examination, almost 50% of scientific research is never published and in some major journals, the chances of rejection of a scientific article are more than 99%. The development of science lies in self-accountability, no matter how harsh and in some cases cruel. The quality of scientists and their affiliated universities is determined by the research published through this method. Therefore, the article under review includes only those investigations that have gone through this process of self-accountability and have been published in various scientific journals in 2020.
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Corona virus, Quarantine, medical research and world past and future. |
While the global epidemic of Kwid-19 has made 2020 socially, politically and economically extraordinary, its effects are also significant in the field of scientific research. Due to the epidemic of corona, many scientific investigations have not been completed, many have not been published, and some have been diverted to research on SARS Covid-2 and Covid-19. Some of the most important and important investigations are briefly described in this article. Let's find out now from the 2020 investigation.
1929 American scientist Edwin Phil concludes from constant observation of the universe that the stars and planets of the universe are moving away from each other very fast. Therefore, it is possible that the universe is expanding, and if the universe is expanding, then George Lemner's proposal in 1927 is correct, according to which the whole universe actually came into being from a single element. The destruction of this basic substance or elementary atom is known today as the Big Bang.
Further research has shown that the Big Bang occurred 13.7 million years ago today. Initially, the universe consisted of two types of particles.
Despite all the research called Fermeon and Boson, 85% of the matter in the universe could not be determined and this matter is called DARK MATTER. According to a study conducted in March 2020, a special type of matter. Particles d (2830) hexaquark boson Einestine condensate came into existence at the beginning of the universe. Similarly, the Swiss-based CERN reported foorcharm Quark Particle in June 2020.
Both of these discoveries are crucial to the material nature of the dark matter and to the origin of the universe. In July 2020, the first 3D map of the universe was created, which was created through a 20-year-long survey that also showed that different parts of the universe are expanding at different speeds.
Many other discoveries and events also took place in the field of astronomy. For example, in January, China sent a telescope called FAST into space, this telescope is the largest filled aperture radio telescope in the world. Its significance can be gauged from the fact that similar telescopes provided clear evidence of the existence of the Big Bang in the 1950s.
In April 2020, NASA selected three different companies, Blue Origin, SpaceX and Dynetia, to deliver the first woman and second man to the moon by 2024. The UAE has launched its first mission to Mars in July 2020, starting in 2021.
will make. Similarly, China launched Tianwen-1 to Mars in July 2020, which will start operating from April 2021.
The existence of life in space.
According to one estimate, our universe is made up of about 200 billion galaxies, and each galaxy contains about 100 billion stars and about the same number of planets, as if the total number of planets in the entire universe is several million. Our Earth is only one of these planets, on which life is ultimately found, but given the total number of planets, there is a strong possibility that some extraterrestrial life may exist. And if life is thought to exist only on Earth, then according to the famous American scientist Garl Sagan, it is an incredible loss against the universe.
Based on today's technology, it is difficult, but not impossible, to find evidence of life in space, so every year there are definitely some discoveries that reveal the presence of life in space. In January 2020, a planet called Venus caught fire. In the month of January, NASA's Transiting Exoplant Survey satellite identified a planet T01700d the size of Earth, on which the presence of life was detected. There are possibilities.
Similarly, in May 2020, the presence of a planet in the Goldy Lock Zone was discovered around Proxima Centuria, a star very close to the Sun. This is called the distance between the planet and its central star, where its temperature can be equal to the average temperature of the earth, which is necessary for the growth and survival of life. Similarly, about 4,000 planets have been discovered so far in which the chances of life are much higher than other planets. In August 2020, a list was published of 24 of these planets whose distances from their central star are approximately the same as the distance between Earth and the Sun. Their size also resembles that of the earth. And there is a lot of uniformity in climate change. Because the universe is constantly going through amazing changes.
Therefore, there is a strong possibility that many planets that are not in the Goldilocks zone today will at some point be as close to Earth as their main stars. For example, in June 2020, the outermost planet in our solar system, Pluto, marks large oceans of water beneath thick layers of ice. Similarly, in August 2020, saltwater canals were discovered on Mars. All in all, this evidence reflects the fact that we are not alone in this universe.
The beginning of life on Earth.
Based on scientific evidence, it is almost universally accepted that our Earth came into being about 4.7 billion years ago, and fossil estimates suggest that life began about 4 billion years ago. The question here is whether life on Earth came into being as a result of the interaction of some simple chemical compounds or whether life on Earth was transferred to another planet. Experiments in the 1950s showed that some chemical reactions in the Earth's early atmosphere resulted in simple chemical compounds being converted into molecules such as urea and amino acids. Which address the existence of life.
In 2020, some important investigations in this regard came to light. For example, research at Harvard University found that two different asteroids, Acfer-086 and Allenden, contained a protein called hemolithin, which detects the presence of life, and that aster AIDS is constantly hitting the ground, so it is possible that life has been transmitted to Earth by a similar asteroid.
Similarly, in the month of February this year, NASA's Curiosity Rover has detected a molecule called Thiophene on Mars. Thiophene is a molecule found in crude petrol and since petrol is produced by the decomposition of living things. Therefore, the presence of thiophene on Mars indicates the presence of life there. And from there this life was transferred to Earth via space dust or asteroids.
Life on earth came into being in water. According to a study published in April 2020, rocks have been discovered from the Earth's crust that have a structure similar to that of the rocks on Mars, and these rocks contain many types of bacteria.
Therefore, there is a national possibility that life in the form of bacteria was transferred from Mars to Earth as a result of an asteroid or some other type of collision. Now the question arises as to whether bacteria can survive during this space travel, according to a study published in August 2020, a type of bacteria Deinococeus rodiolurans can survive in space for three years. All this evidence indicates this. That life may have come into existence on another planet or celestial body outside of Earth. And then moved to Earth in its original form as a result of a space accident. And then, through the process of evolution, it took on different forms.
The evolution of life.
From a scientific point of view, it is now certain that the 8.7 million species of animals on Earth, about 400,000 species of plants, have evolved as a result of the evolution of one trillion types of bacteria and millions of types of viruses. Like every year in 2020, many strong evidences in this regard were published in scientific journals, for example How many (Dogs) actually came into existence from sheep through domestication, which is thought to have taken place fifteen thousand years ago today. But according to a study published in February 2020, this process of domestication took place about 28,500 years ago.
Many living things depend on other living things for survival. Commonly called parasites, because these organisms meet their specific needs from other organisms. Therefore, many of the extra genes in their genetic material go through an evolutionary process. Mitochondrion provides energy to living cells. ۔ And its presence has been found in all kinds of parasites. The discovery of this single parasite of its kind is a telling proof of the sign of evolution that it accumulates small changes in a short period of time and manifests itself in the form of a big change.
In contrast, a study published in April of this year on a virus called "Nucko, yto viricotol" found that the virus contained genes for complex biological processes, such as metabolism. Earlier, it was widely accepted that viruses did not contain metabolism genes.
In April, an interesting and amazing scientific study was revealed, in which the teeth of two old species of Homosapieus, Homo ereitus and Homo antecessor, revealed their complete genetic makeup. This research could be of great help in understanding the changes that have taken place in humans as a result of evolution.
Our industrial and social development has brought about significant changes in the environment around us. Although there is considerable disagreement in the West, especially in the United States, scientists agree that these changes are perhaps the greatest threat to the survival of humans and animals on Earth, and that from time to time they are based on evidence. Keep informing For example, according to a study published in January, 2019 has seen a record rise in sea temperatures.
Thus, according to a study published in March 2020, the dense forests of the Amazon will turn into a plain garden within 50 years. This situation could be more dangerous as a result of a nuclear war. For example, according to a study published in March 2020, a possible nuclear war between India and Pakistan would increase the Earth's temperature by 1.8 degrees Celsius for five years. And global food production could fall by 20 to 50 percent. As a result, climate change is a major threat to our survival in the current context.
The year 2020 began in a normal way, but by the end of January 2020, it was realized that a seemingly minor flu-causing virus had evolved into a bacterium as a result of biological evolution that was affecting our social and economic life. Life is stagnant. Today we know this bacterium as SARSVID-2 and the global epidemic that spreads from it as COVID-19. Initially, the epidemic was confined to China, and on January 31, 2020, the first evidence of the disease was published in a scientific journal, which gave a full idea of the severity of the disease caused by the virus.
The study, published on February 4, 2020, indicated that drugs called Romeo livieri and Chloroquine were effective against the virus, and a trial of the drugs began on March 20, according to a study published on June 3, called Chloroquine. The drug is completely ineffective against sarcoidoid-2. The self-accountability of scientific research was mentioned earlier in the article.
People unfamiliar with this process draw conclusions based on preliminary investigations. The same thing happened with chloroquine. Unlike scientists, the United States started singing Chloroquine there and people started jumping on it without thinking. But then the last victory came from science, according to which this drug can be harmful at once. The same is true of the Sun Bee and other totals.
On November 9 and 10, PFIZAR and BIONTECH and MODERNA announced more than 90 percent success of their vaccines. So far, about 200 vaccines are in various stages of research into the SARSV2 type. Of these, 33 have undergone clinical trials through laboratory tests. 7 of these 33 contain different parts of the protein of Inective-virus, NonRepliatily, viral vcctor-9, Viral RNA 4, Viral NA-5, 2 virus and virus 5.
These vaccines differ significantly from each other in terms of properties and efficacy. For example, in order to maintain the effectiveness of a vaccine made by Pfizer, it will be kept in a very cold environment. While the Moderna vaccine can also be kept in a common refrigerator. In this situation, we can expect that the Chinese imported into Pakistan. A vaccine that is currently undergoing clinical trials in Pakistan.
The research on the SARS-2 epidemic and the provision of a vaccine within a year is a clear indication of the strength of scientific thinking. At the same time, it gives a full sense of the power of biological evolution, that a tiny virus resulting from this process may seem to come and subdue the most powerful creatures on earth in terms of intelligence. This is true not only of SARS code 2 but also of other microbes, especially viruses.
Theories about the existence of viruses
Conspiracy theories about the existence of the virus also continued to emerge, but 26 The study, published in March 2020, provided clear evidence that the virus was transmitted from bats to pangolins and then to humans. The virus is transmitted to the human body through its spike proteins, which were determined by the world's fastest supercomputer, "SUMMIT". On February 24, a company called Moderna announced the development of the vaccine. Research published on June 5 identified two human proteins, TMPRESS2 and Neuropilin-1, respectively, through which the virus enters human cells, according to research published March 29, 2020. Decreased sense of smell and taste were seen as symptoms of the virus.
On April 10, 2020, a report of a recurrence of the virus in a Korean woman was published. However, further research has shown that the recurrence of the virus was due to a lack of diagnostic tests. The study, published on June 15, 2020, found that 15 to 18 percent of the world's population had SARS covidar disease. Produces a dog
A July study indicated that SARS-2 could also invade the human nervous system. A study conducted on October 12 showed that Sarsweed 2 could re-attack in the same person. An earlier study, published on July 2, found that the second type of SARSVoid 2, which has a genetic mutation called D614G, was the most widespread.
Revolution in the field of medicine.
In the year 2020, research on genetic edithy and sarcastic 2 in the field of medicine will be prominent. The technique of Genetic Eolipthy discovered in the last decade is also called CRISPR. This technique has revolutionized human genetic diseases. Using Crisper's technique, we are now able to directly alter the gene that causes the disease, which may permanently limit the use of chemicals. And many incurable diseases can be treated with this technique.
For example, in a study published in February 2020, the use of CRISPR-CAS12-A corrected the genetic mutations that cause cancer. CRISPR-CAS-9 has been used to treat genetic mutations in blood T cells, according to a study published in November.
In March, CRISPR-CAS-9 was used to treat eye defects due to genetic defects. In June 2020, genetic diseases such as B-thaleremia and Sill cell Amenia were also treated using the CRISPR-CAS-9 system. Successfully done. All of this research, published this year, will make genetic diseases and many incurable genetic diseases curable.