The year 2000, which brought the Corona catastrophe to the fore, also highlighted the leadership abilities of many world leaders. Some leaders have been very successful this year and some have failed. See below for some of the world's most successful and unsuccessful rulers.
Successful and failed world leaders 2021 |
...................Successful leaders ..........
1)President of China, Xi Jinping
most Successful and failed world leaders 2021 |
Pride of success, humiliation of failure
If you look at the world, while China spread the corona virus around the world and failed to stop it globally, Chinese President Xi Jinping overcame the corona through an effective strategy. Chinese President Xi Jinping can also be called one of the most successful leaders of 2020 because he did not allow his CPEC C-Pack plans to be affected despite the virus, in addition to the "One Belt One Road". Work on all of the projects that have been launched in dozens of countries around the world has continued at more or less the same pace. In addition, the achievements of the Chinese President include the signing of the RCEP Agreement at the end of 2020 (RCEP). Fifteen countries of the world are included which include ten ASEAN countries besides China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
Together, these countries have formed the world's largest trade alliance, which is certainly a great achievement for the Chinese president. Then the Chinese president turned India's hopes upside down in border disputes by taking effective action on the border with India. India just like its other small neighbours wanted to get control and to show his dominance over China which was not possible.
The Chinese president has been the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party for the past eight years, and for the past seven years he has been the president of China and also the head of China's Central Military Commission. Had lived
2)President of Russia, Vladimir Putin
most Successful and failed world leaders 2021 |
Among the world's most successful leaders, Russian President Putin is by no means a democratic leader and has ruled Russia like a dictator for the past 20 years, crushing the opposition. There are many reasons for this. First, he has led Russia well in the recent Corona crisis, although the death toll there has risen to about 40,000, but if the population is taken into account, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of population. Not even visible in countries. Putin's other achievement is that he has largely revived Russia's economy, and the negative effects of Corona on other countries' economies have not been seen in Russia.
Similarly, Russia has had great success in maintaining good relations with China and India, especially its relations with China at the moment, which are ideal and they are also close to India. They have retained control of the territory they occupied in Ukraine. He claims that the region has historically been part of Russia and that the majority of Russian-speaking people live in the Crimean region, making Putin a successful 2020 leader.
3)Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda
most Successful world leaders 2021 |
Japan's newly elected Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga can be called the successful ruler of 2020 because he successfully succeeded former Prime Minister Abe Shutro, defeating his opponents and continuing his policies.
Not only have they succeeded in protecting Japan from the harmful effects of Corona, but they have also helped boost Japan's economy.
Another achievement of the new Prime Minister Suga is that he has played a key role in forming the world's largest trade alliance by joining the RCEO agreement, although US President Trump was not happy about that. And he wanted Japan to stay out of the alliance and rely on the US-led four-nation alliance of Australia, the United States, India and Japan. But Japanese Prime Minister Suga successfully withstood the US pressure.
4)Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abi Ahmed
most Successful world leaders 2021 |
Ethiopia's young prime minister could undoubtedly be included in the list of successful leaders of 2020. Not only did he continue his previous pacifist policy, but he also largely managed to save Ethiopia from a large number of possible deaths from the Corona epidemic. He was also awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his peace efforts.
This year too, he continued to work for better relations with his neighbors, especially Ireland. The amazing thing is that in a country with a population of 110 million, the death toll in Corona is less than two thousand, while in a country with a population of 120 million, Mexico has seen more than one million deaths.
He also focused on maintaining law and order at home and did not use excessive force where it was needed and controlled his armed forces, allowing them to violate human rights. No, that's how Ethiopia's Abi Ahmed will be counted among the successful leaders of 2020.
5)Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern
most Successful world leaders 2021 |
Jacinda Ardern, 40, undoubtedly deserves to be called the most successful leader of 2020. He led New Zealand with great success. He has been the Prime Minister of New Zealand since 2017. At first she was the head of a coalition government, but then she did her best With Guy, he led his party to a clear victory.
She was honored after Benazir Bhutto to become a mother during her tenure as prime minister. Last year, she showed great leadership skills after an attack on a mosque in New Zealand, and all but Muslims Religious groups were given a sense of security. This year, they also adopted an inspiring policy to compete with Corona and expel Corona from their country.
He had to take strict action for this but he did not compromise on the health and safety of his people. At the same time, they managed to revive the economy and protect their people from the collapse of the Corona economy. Thus, New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern is certainly one of the most successful leaders.
6)Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan
most Successful world leaders 2021 |
Erdogan, who has been in power for the past 25 years, is still running the government voluntarily. He was mayor of Istanbul for four years, from 1994 to 1998, and then in 2001, he founded his own party, which has been gaining ground since 2002. He was the Prime Minister of Turkey for 11 years from 2003 to 2014. Since then, the Turkish president has been in office for six years. In the meantime, he has strengthened his position by holding a constitutional referendum.
He has greatly changed the socio-political landscape of Kamal Ataturk's secular Turkey. In 2020, he outperformed Corona in Iran and was significantly better than in other European countries, including fifty. More than a thousand deaths have been reported, while the death toll in Turkey so far is 16,000.
Another achievement of Erdogan in 2020 is to give victory to Azerbaijan in the war against Armenia, which has now liberated its occupied territory from Armenia. Although Nagorno-Karabakh is now under Russian control, the surrounding areas have returned to Azerbaijan.
7)German Chancellor Angela Merkel
most Successful world leaders 2021 |
Angela Merkel will soon become the longest-serving chancellor of modern Germany, breaking Helmut Kohl's record of 16 years in power in 2021, from 1982 to 1998.
Bismarck is the longest-serving chancellor in German history, having served for 19 years from 1871 to 1890. Among the major achievements of Chancellor Merkel in 2020 is the historic EU budget agreement. Which will control the corona virus.
Sixty-six-year-old Chancellor Angela Merkel was 50 when she came to power in 2005. In the last 15 years, Merkel has led Germany with great success, and in 2020, Merkel will be more successful than other European leaders.
.....................Failed leader .......
1)Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi
most failed world leaders 2021 |
The first failure of the Indian Prime Minister was not to overcome Corona and the second failure is his hand-to-hand efforts with China, which have repeatedly failed. China has repeatedly failed the Indian Prime Minister in the border areas.
Modi's third major failure is the failure to crush the independence movement in Kashmir. Modi had hoped that after the unilateral announcement of Kashmir's accession, the people of Kashmir would compromise their destiny, but this did not happen. Modi's last and biggest failure is the failure to get India's economy back on its feet. The poor people of India have been suffering from severe economic pressure, thus Modi failed in 2020.
2)President of the United States, Donald Trump
most failed world leaders 2021 |
President Trump not only allowed the Corona virus to spread badly in the United States because of his misguided policies, but also ridiculed it in the beginning. Then, when the virus got out of control, he made some half-hearted attempts that failed. With 2.5 million Corona deaths, the United States has become the most failed country in the world.
Trump's second major failure was racial discrimination in the United States, which was not only exacerbated by Trump, but also made racial divisions in the United States more pronounced and dozens of cities rioted. Another of Trump's failures was his presidency. The election was a bitter defeat, with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris serving and Trump losing.
In this way, President Trump has done great harm not only to himself but also to the United States along with the Republican Party with his foolish actions. Thus, 2020 was undoubtedly a year of failures for President Trump.
3)President of Brazil, Bol Sonaro
badly failed world leaders 2021 |
Brazil's President Bol Sonaro is one of the world's most failed leaders in 2020. Bol Sonaro too many like US President Trump ??? Have been turning away from the facts. They are unwilling to acknowledge the harmful effects of climate change and have not developed an effective strategy to combat the corona virus. On the contrary, he refused to be vaccinated against corona even after he had contracted it.
Bol Sonaro has made it clear that even if the corona vaccine is successful, he will not be vaccinated himself. Due to his failure, Brazil is not only the second deadliest country in the world after the corona, but also the United States. The economy is in difficult times.
Instead of stopping deforestation, Brazil's president has now stepped up deforestation, which has led to a sharp decline in the dense forests around the Amazon River, the world's largest asset, resulting in environmental degradation.
The devastation is greater than ever. Thus Bol Sonaro failed on almost every front.
4)President of Mexico, Andres Obrador
badly failed world leaders 2021 |
The president of Mexico, who has been in office for the past two years, has been performing well, but he too has been placed in the ranks of the world's failed rulers by the corona virus. Mexico currently ranks fourth in the world in terms of corona deaths. It is the fourth country after the United States, Brazil and India to have more than 100,000 deaths.
The president of Mexico has completely failed to stop the epidemic. Neither could support the economy nor devise a strategy for the poor in their own country, then Mexico, which is notorious around the world for the Dirk cartel, also failed to curb their trafficking. Thus, the President of Mexico failed in 2020 on three or four major fronts.
5)President, Philippines Duterte
badly failed world leaders 2021 |
Among the failed global leaders of 2020 is the President of the Philippines, Duterte, who not only failed to stop or control Corona in his country, but also failed on the economic front. It is a populous country, but the death toll from Corona has risen to about 9,000.
They then managed to kill hundreds of alleged perpetrators due to their hardline policies, but even more failed to restore peace in the country, especially with the ongoing armed Mandao movement in the Jangsa Moro region. However, they have not been able to play their role in restoring lasting peace through any meaningful negotiations, even though they have asked for an extension of the peace agreement from three years to five years, but they have not been able to find a lasting solution. ?
The Philippines' performance has been disappointing compared to other countries, with the economy steadily declining, although Duterte has sought to reap some benefits from signing the RCEP agreement with China, but overall 2020 I saw President Duterte fail.
6)President of Egypt, General Abdel Sheikh Sisi
badly failed world leaders 2021 |
Egypt's military dictator, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, has been in power since 2014. When the former dictator of the Egyptian people, Hosni Mubarak, was ousted from power after a struggle, it seemed that democracy would be established in Egypt, but the head of the armed forces, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, was waiting for the right opportunity. Egypt's first elected president, Mohamed Morsi, was overthrown and seized power.
His government is now on the brink of failure, with the death toll from Corona in this country of just 100 million people rising to about 7,000 and rising steadily. The country's economy has been in constant decline for the past six years and poverty is on the rise. In order to consolidate their power, they moved closer to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which provided significant assistance to Egypt, but as long as power remained in the hands of a military clique, Egypt would fail. That is why General Abdul Fattah is the failed leader of 2020.
7)President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani
badly failed world leaders 2021 |
Hassan Rouhani, 72, of Iran, proved to be a failure in 2020 as a whole. His biggest failure was that Iran, with a population of only 85 million, has reached close to 55,000 in Corona's death toll. And the number of victims has exceeded eight million.
While it is true that sanctions imposed by the United States have severely affected Iran's health sector, Iranian President Rouhani has angered Europe, which could have been a potential supporter because when the United States When President Trump announced his withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran, Europe did not support Trump.
In addition, one of Hassan Rouhani's major failures was that he not only failed to save his elders, such as General Qasim Soleimani and Mohsin Fakhrizada, but also took the lead in executing his critics. In the second week of December, Ruhollah Zam, a journalist, was sentenced to death for allegedly inciting violence.
Ahmed Raza Jalali was similarly sentenced to death for spying for Israel. Jalali is an Iranian doctor based in Sweden but was arrested in 2016 during a trip to Iran. Iran is now one of the three countries with the highest number of executions. That is, under Hassan Rouhani's presidency, Iran has failed to uphold human rights.