Following scientific inventions are the futuristic invention that you are going to use in your future and they will make your life easy and reliable.
Molecular computers
Our brains have an amazing ability to perform different functions simultaneously, due to the dynamic and active functioning of the brain neurons. Its processing speed can be up to 10,000 billion instructions per second, while the neurons in the brain send these instructions at a thousand per second speed, however, the computer still processes the data sequentially. Multi-core processing has made a difference, while millions of neurons work together in the human brain.
Top 5 future science invention 2021 |
Computers cannot beat the speed of the human brain. Now we are at a new beginning. Molecular computers are now being developed that will be made on organic molecules instead of silicon. Molecular Computers Japan And scientists at the University of Michigan Technologies have developed a model that mimics the functions of the brain. The 300 organic molecules in this computer can talk to each other at the same time.
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Speaks traffic license
Millions of drivers around the world waste their time and petrol waiting for traffic signals. Now a car manufacturer has come up with an amazing invention of the traffic communication system, which will allow traffic lights and cars to communicate electronically with each other. The message on the screen in the car will give the driver an idea of how long the traffic light he is approaching will turn from red to green or from green to red. In this way he will reduce the speed of the car. Or more, so that the waiting time at the traffic light is minimized.
Under this system, the driver of the vehicle will plan the traffic congestion at different places on the road and will be able to reach his destination by taking the best route for the vehicle, and save both time and money by avoiding waiting time at the traffic signal. Using this system in his pilot project, 17% fuel savings were observed. It is now being tested on a large scale in Ingolstadt, Germany.
Giant Temple Plane: Bigger than a football field
The US military has decided to build a light aircraft with a very large wind. Now the days of Hindenburg are back. The contract has been awarded to Narthrop Grumman, a company that will build a large airship that will be larger than a football field. This is the Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LMEV), a long-lasting multi-purpose vehicle that will stay in the air for three weeks, with the primary purpose of carrying out surveillance and surveillance duties.
Robotic Exoskeleton is now a reality
Iron Man, seen in science fiction movies, is about to become a reality in the field of industry and defense. The US military has been investing in the development of such devices since 2000. The US company Raytheon Sarcos Exoskeleton is a type of outer skin that soldiers can use to enhance their physical abilities. They are worn over the lower body and are fitted with various sensors and controllers that allow the wearer to carry heavy weights over long distances without feeling tired. In addition, they are so flexible that the wearer can easily participate in sports activities such as football.
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Exoskeleton Exoskeleton not only cover the various organs of the body but also enhance their function. Exoskeleton Exoskeleton are manufactured at the University of California, Berkeley that are attached to the wearer's legs and the strength and function of his legs Increase efficiency. Our defense agencies should initiate tsourcing programs with national universities to make progress in such inventions, so that Pakistan does not lag behind in this rapidly developing world.
Your television is watching you
Now such televisions have been developed, which have a facial recognition device and the sensors in it will monitor your movements and postures. If you are not watching TV, this television will turn off automatically or will be turned off. This will also save electricity. This feature is present in the televisions of a private company. We are preparing. The Ambient Light Sensor on the TV will also change the screen light according to the room light, so that a very clear image can be seen on the screen.