Facts about atom and matter

For thousands of years mankind has believed that the facts about atom and matter that are in the universe are nothing but clay, mud, algae, pebbles and rocky rocks that we today know that everything present in our universe is made up of atoms and matter. So let's discuss about past and present facts about atom and matter with forms of matter.In their eyes, the only reality was that they could use these objects for shelter, to make sound, to get fire, to get food from the forest and to cover the body with the leaves of the trees. But nature has not only created man but has also enriched him with a wealth of curiosity and intellect.

Facts about atom and matter
Facts about atom and matter

'' Past facts about atom''

What is an atom? 

 It was in this spirit that the "thought of the individual" was born in the ancient man, resulting in the "scientific consciousness", that is, the regular observation of the laws of nature, awareness and the beginning of the intellectual process. Roman scientists are in the forefront.

The people of medieval Europe had forgotten the scientific research of the Greeks. When the Arabs revived their science and art by translating Greek scientific books during 1515-1519, it is safe to say that since ancient times people have been searching for the world's Revealing the reality of "material objects" (objects that have mass and occupying space) by tearing the curtains, so that the center and axis of interest of the ancient scientists is to reveal the reality of "material things". There was also the acquisition and use of these items.

As far as the reality of these objects is concerned, it has been tested by almost all the civilized nations of antiquity, but in view of the discoveries and revelations of the present times, those who have come closest to the truth are There were a few Greek philosophers who, for the first time, presented a vague outline of the "particle theory", in the light of which the structure and nature of all material objects in the universe differed from these tiny "particles". 

There are those whom the incoming science teacher, after scientific investigation, named as "Atom" and confirmed the fact that this "particle" or essence was a unit of material matter.This tiny "particle" in any "material thing" seems to be very calm, but some of it is very surprising. 

What is a "particle" or an "atom"?

The essence is so small that it cannot be seen even with a powerful telescope. The thickness of the "essence" can be estimated from a few examples. Scientists have performed an astonishing experiment and found that more than 100 million atoms can fit in the space where a needle or pin end is placed. If you make rows, you can fit 100 million "essences" in an inch length.

Of course, the intellect is stunned to accept this. Science also believes that the essence of material things is "amazing", but the truth is that "essence" is an "element" (a basic type of material thing). Other things cannot be broken down) is the smallest particle that can exist, which has the properties of this element. That is, if there is "iron", then its properties remain.

'' Present facts about atom. '' 

Until the early days of the twentieth century, these "essences" were considered "indivisible." That is why these particles were first called "undivided components". In addition, some schools of thought of the early period believed that "essence" was a solid particle like stone or iron and that "matter" formed from these particles was not converted into energy and into energy matter. It can be done, but "scientific consciousness", after going through its evolutionary stages, radically changed our ancient theory according to the "essence".

Now the "essence" corner has been declared not only indivisible but also its structure is not considered to be a solid body. All the planets are rotating around. In the same way, the essence consists of empty space instead of being solid. And inside it also has a "nucleus" (heart), around which other tiny particles are found, as if the "nucleus" of the "essence" is not a unique object, but rather the finer particles circulating around it.

'' Structure of an atom''

The essence of the powerful "microscope" makes you look like a hall or a room, but in the middle of it you can see a dot or a mole like the size of a pea. It is the "nucleus" of the "essence", ie the heart, and on its outer side the tiny particles are seen rotating, just as the planets are rotating. These tiny "particles" are called electrons.

They have a negative charge and can pass through metal wires and remain freely in the air. These are the parts of the "essence" that give rise to thousands of everyday variables. For example, they play a role in baking bread, burning matches, digestion of food and physical development.

The billions of electrons (electrodes) that are not associated with atoms are supplying electricity to any state on a daily basis. The essence is sworn. For example, "uranium" (it is a special shiny heavy silver-like, white metal) obtained as a raw material from a special type of volcanic rock is the largest fuel for nuclear reactors.

There is a source but its acquisition and extraction is a very demanding and patient task for a "geologist". Twenty-two (92) electrons of this metal revolve around a specific path around the nucleus (heart) of the "essence". The number of electrons in each different element is equal.

Another particle that revolves around the "nucleus" of the "essence". Called protons. Their number is equal to the number of electrons that revolve around the heart. They are slightly larger than the positive charge and the electron. A third important type of particle is also found in the nucleus of "essence". It is called "New Tron". It has no electric charge. It is attached to the "nucleus" of the nucleus. It is present in all types of "nuclei" except hydrogen.

Since the weights of all the elements are not equal to each other, a paradigm chart has been arranged according to the weight, in which the light ones are arranged at the beginning and the heavy ones at the end. Hydrogen gas is very light so it can be easily filled into balloons. The "uranium" element is relatively heavier, so it is at the bottom of the list of naturally occurring elements. There is tremendous energy in every "essence" of it.

To obtain this energy, its "essence" is broken or torn apart. Come out of the binding force that holds the components of the nucleus attached to it. Thanks to this, scientists have acquired the ability to tear the hearts of billions of "atoms" and control their energy. This process of tearing or breaking is called fission.

Nowadays, different types of "atom breakers" are used to break the "essence", such as "particle acceleration" as soon as the binding force is separated from the "atoms". Similarly, a portion of the energy attached to the "nucleus" is emitted with tremendous force in the form of heat and rays. This feature is not present in every "essence". 

At present the emission of these rays is up to uranium 235. Uranium 235 refers to the atomic weight of uranium 235. Each of its nuclei contains a "nucleus" containing the number of protons "92" and the number of neutrons "143". Takes a certain number of premises. The number of protons in the nucleus is equal to 192.

Thus, when we add up the number of "protons" and "neutrons", the atomic weight of uranium becomes "235". Since the number of protons and neutrons has been determined by scientific data, the atomic weight of any "element" by combining the number of protons and neutrons in the "essence" of all other elements can be known.

Which is of great importance in relation to the reality of material things. When the "nucleus" of "uranium" 235 is torn down, the continuous energy is emitted in the form of three different types of rays with tremendous force.

The first type is called "alpha" rays. These rays consist of two protons and two neutrons that are firmly attached to each other. The second type of radiation is called "beta". These rays are like "alpha" rays. This type of "essence" is called a radioactive element.

In the early 1939's, the "free physicists" of the free world collaborated to find energy from the "nucleus" of the "Jawahar", and in 1951 the "Idea Ho". (Idih o) so much electricity was generated that the building of "Amala" (fuel furnace) was lit.

At the same time, scientists have discovered that uranium-235 can be stored for a long time if it is not needed immediately, because it dissolves so slowly that its Even if the amount is taken, only half of it is lost for 40 (forty) years. There is no denying the fact that while scientists have discovered the hidden energy of "radioactive atoms", they have also focused on "non-radiaootive atoms" and "material objects". By concealing the reality of AD, modern life has been provided with various useful resources.

Read also.. Global warming and Climate change

Nitrogen began to be used in the manufacture of ammonia and nitric acid, and the two were used separately to make nylon and explosives, while ammonia and nitric were mixed together and used as fertilizer. (Chart) Scientists have to go through patient analyzes and experiments in order to gain access to facts (theory), whether the substance is "radioactive" or "non-radioactive".


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